
Innovation and Technology

In the world of homemade flight inventions, every year we come across amazing innovations and cutting-edge technologies on display at our show. Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting and technologically advanced projects that are turning the tide of what the flying machines of the future could be.

Electrically powered projects are becoming increasingly popular, and the show is no exception. Participants present flying machines powered by innovative electric motors that not only provide clean and energy efficiency, but also reach new heights in maneuverability.

Engineers at our show integrate advanced autonomous control technologies into their inventions. Aircraft capable of making autonomous decisions based on sensor and camera data open up new possibilities for safe and efficient flight.

Projects equipped with solid-state batteries and energy-efficient solutions are becoming the standard. Participants present the latest developments in energy storage, which opens up new perspectives for extending flight duration and reducing environmental impact.

Materials innovations play a key role in the development of lightweight and durable aircraft. Our exhibitors present new composites and ultralight alloys that provide high strength with minimal weight, which becomes the foundation for efficient and maneuverable vehicles.

Innovators at the show are not limited to creating physical flying machines. We are seeing an increased focus on virtual reality integrated into flight systems. This allows you to not only fly in the real world, but also immerse yourself in unique virtual scenarios.

The exhibition not only shows how innovation and technology are changing the landscape of aviation, but also inspires us to imagine what future flying could be like. Join us at the show to see these innovations in action and witness a new era in the skies!