Man in Wingsuit on Mountain Background

How Fast Do Wingsuits Go? Unraveling Speeds and Limits

Flying in a wingsuit, resembling the glide of a bird through the skies, garners attention and piques curiosity. Among the multitude of inquiries, one stands out vividly: “How fast do wingsuits travel?” Let’s delve into the realms of speeds, ratios, and exhilarating flights within this captivating aerial sport.

Vertical Speed versus Horizontal Speed versus Total Speed

Comprehending the dynamics of wingsuit flight involves mastering three fundamental velocities: vertical, horizontal, and total speed. Unlike traditional skydiving, wingsuits redefine the experience by amplifying body surface area, thereby reducing vertical speed while enabling forward motion.

The fusion of vertical and horizontal speeds culminates in the total speed, mathematically derived as the square root of the sum of their squares, defining the hypotenuse of their right-angled relationship.

Exploring Velocity in Wingsuit Flight

In wingsuit diving, horizontal speeds commonly outpace vertical descent rates. The most efficient wingsuits facilitate descents as slow as 25 mph, achieving horizontal speeds surpassing 200 mph. However, the average wingsuit jumper maintains a speed around 100 mph, constituting the total speed.

Forward Flight versus Descent Rate in Wingsuit Flying

Wingsuits exhibit a captivating attribute: soaring forward approximately three times faster than descending. This phenomenon hinges on the glide ratio, representing the ratio of horizontal distance covered to vertical distance descended.

Enjoy this cloud surfing from GoPro GoPro: Wingsuit Cloud Surfing

Understanding the Glide Ratio of Wingsuits

With a standard glide ratio of 3:1, wingsuits exhibit a consistent correlation between horizontal and vertical speeds, often resulting in horizontal speeds roughly three times higher than vertical descent rates.

What’s the Maximum Speed Achieved in a Wingsuit?

The pinnacle of wingsuit velocity was demonstrated by Fraser Corson in 2017, reaching an astounding 246.6 mph. His remarkable feat, documented in the Guinness Book of Records, involved a jump starting at over 35,500 feet.

Learn landing techniques for wingsuits – mastering safe descents.

Top 5 Best World Wingsuit Brands

Check the top wingsuit brands from around the world:

  • Phoenix-Fly: Known for their innovative and high-tech wingsuits designed for various flying styles;
  • Squirrel: Manufacturers of wingsuits focusing on comfort, maneuverability, and high-performance flying;
  • TonySuits: Creating diverse wingsuit models for both beginners and professionals, catering to different flying styles;
  • Aura: A brand recognized for innovative technologies in wingsuit manufacturing, committed to producing high-quality products;
  • Jediair Wear: Specializing in custom-made suits, offering extensive customization options to meet individual customer requirements.


Wingsuit flying is a pursuit reserved for skilled individuals who have honed their abilities through extensive training. The challenges involved underscore the need for meticulous preparation and a thorough grasp of the intricacies of flight. As the speeds soar and the landscapes blur, wingsuit flying stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the pursuit of soaring beyond conventional boundaries.

Wingsuit flying emerges as an enthralling yet demanding pursuit within extreme aerial sports, demanding dedication and skill. Achieving speeds exceeding 100 mph signifies the thrill while emphasizing the need for experience and advanced skills. 

Embarking on a wingsuit journey symbolizes a blend of adrenaline, skill, and dedication, offering an unmatched sensation of flight to those ready to conquer the skies.

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